VIP Amenities at check in

How to Use VIP Amenities at Check In

Luxury Amenities: If you’re a hotel or agency owner (WGY Travel), VIP status can give you the edge in making sure your guests are always treated like royalty. From perks at check in to personalized amenities. These tips will help your property provide a luxury experience. That’ll make the most of your guest’s stay and keep them coming back for more.

First, identify the VIP category that your property uses for its guests. You can filter your reservation data by the VIP level and display any guests categorized with this specific code on your front desk reports

Next, create a color for each of your VIP categories. This color will help your staff easily identify different VIP reservations.

The color is also used in some reports to highlight the VIP level of a reservation.

OPERA Cloud provides the ability to define multiple VIP levels within the software and assign a unique code for each level. These codes can be used to create global alerts in order to notify the appropriate staff members. That a VIP guest is present or needs special attention.

When a Guest is assigned to a VIP Category. He/she will receive a highlighted color in the guest name field on folios, as well as many front desk reports.

If you have a specific VIP code for each of your hotel’s different VIP categories, you can set this up in the VIP Settings under your Front Desk Settings. This will make it easier to find all the VIPs and their associated reservations in OPERA Cloud.

Finally, you can configure the Turndown Service setting that will make all of your VIPs receive turn down service. This will also help the front desk identify all of your VIPs easily.

Luxury Amenities OPERA

Adding a VIP to the OPERA Cloud database is simple and easy, and the process takes no time at all. The OPERA Cloud platform allows hotels to add new guests and assign them a new VIP code.

After you add a new guest, be sure to update their VIP code in the VIP Settings under your Front Desk Settings. Then, your front desk staff will be able to easily identify all of your VIPs when processing their reservations.

Another way to identify the VIPs is by using a guest’s name and room number. When you assign a VIP to a room number, the guest will be able to view their reservations and select their rooms.

The VIPs can then choose to upgrade their room and/or enjoy a variety of other amenities at the property, such as breakfast for two or a bottle of wine in their room. The list of services and amenities is different for each hotel, so be sure to check with your hotel to determine which benefits will be best for you.

If you want to know what a particular hotel has to offer, it’s easy to visit their website and read through the available features and benefits. Some of these include a VIP Lounge, complimentary amenities and concierge services.

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